Here's some various resources for use with POV-Ray. These "goodies" are all interesting and useful (somewhat), but just not big enough each to have their own page, so I've put them all together on this page. So what do you think of the POV Goodies? Please let me know!
Fast Sky
Mar 19 2002
This scene file contains a fast rendering sky with shaded clouds using just four planes.
How to make an IK leg
Mar 29 2001
This scene file decribes how to make an IK leg. Just specify HipPoint and AnklePoint, and the entire leg will follow. The thigh and shin can be any objects - not just cylinders.
Brushed Metal Texture
Oct 9 2000
A fast brushed metal texture. This brushed metal texture renders relatively fast and anti-aliasing isn't required to get good results. The scene file used as example is kindly provided by Mark James Lewin.