The first POV-Ray Logo Competition was held February-April 2000. It got 15 submitted logos and quite many people participated in the voting. The winner was logo nr. 11.
However, already on April 21 it became apparent that the competition had not been good enough. Several people had shown dissatisfaction with the rules and the way the competition had been held. Thus a new Logo Contest was later held. This page however shows the rules, logos and results of the old Logo Competition.
However, already on April 21 it became apparent that the competition had not been good enough. Several people had shown dissatisfaction with the rules and the way the competition had been held. Thus a new Logo Contest was later held. This page however shows the rules, logos and results of the old Logo Competition.
The old rules
The rules for the old competition weren't very clear. Here they are written.Logos must be concrete. POV-Ray is known for the checkered plane and reflective sphere. However, that alone doesn't make it POV-RAY's logo. A logo must be an actual image. A little, very simple image that always look the same way.
Logos must be simple. I would say a rule of thumb is that the logo must be easily recognized in black and white (with no shades of gray), and in a very little resolution.
To standardize the submission formats please submit your logo in the following formats:
64x64 pixel, black & white with no antialiasing
64x64 pixel, black & white with antialiasing (optional)
64x64 pixel, with as many colors as desired (optional)
128x128 pixel, with as many colors as desired