Logo Contest Results

Here you can see the results of the POV-Ray Logo Contest! 51 valid votes were submitted for the voting. Keep in mind that the voting is only made to get a general idea of the popularity of the logos - the POV-Team will not necessarily choose the winner logo, or any logo at all, as the official logo.


Rank Logo Favorite Accept Score
First Place 02 45% 92% 80
Second Place 01 35% 88% 74
Shared Third Place 03 10% 80% 52
Shared Third Place 06 8% 86% 49
Fourth Place 04 2% 69% 38
Fifth Place 05 0% 51% 17


Rank shows which logo is the most preferred one.

Favorite shows how many percent of the voters had the logo as their first priority.

Accept shows how many percent of the voters could accept the logo as being the official POV-Ray logo.

Score can be thought of as an "average priority" converted to a number between 0 and 100.

For more detailed explanations of "rank" and "score", see below.


The most important value is the rank. It shows which logo is the most preferred one. It is calculated over several rounds.

Here you can see the vote distribution for the different rounds:

Logo nr.: 01 02 03 04 05 06
Round  1: 18 23  5  1  0  4
Round  2: 18 23  5  1     4
Round  3: 18 23  5        5
Round  4: 20 28
Round  5:    47
Rank    :  2  1  3  4  5  3

In the first round we only look at the first priorities. The votes are counted and distributed amongst the logos. Now the logo with the fewest votes is excluded. Since it is the first logo to be excluded, it gets the lowest rank.

In round two the votes are counted all over again. Only, for those voters who had the excluded logo as their first priority the second priority will be the one that counts. In other words, the votes are redistributed amongst the remaining logos, using the priorities set by the voters.

The next rounds works just the same way. After each round the logo or logos with the fewest votes is/are excluded until only one logo remains.


Score can be thought of as an "average priority" converted to a number between 0 and 100.

If all the voters had had logo X as their first priority, logo X would have had a score of 100 because 6/6*100 = 100. If all the voters had had logo X as their second priority, logo X would have had a score of 83 because 5/6*100 = 83. (...) If all the voters had discarded logo X, it would have had a score of 0 because 0/6*100 = 0.

Check the votes

You can download the raw votes and the POV-Ray scripts used to analyse them. Yep - rank, favorite, accept, and score are all calculated using POV-Ray! :)

Download results.zip