Statements and Rules

Here you can see the official position of the POV-Team, and you can see the rules that entrants had to follow when creating and submitting a logo.

The official position of the POV-Team

The official position of the POV-Team for this competition is as follows:

  1. Although the logo competition is not an officially sponsored event, the POV-Team is very pleased with the community enthusiasm and is interested in finding a logo for POV-Ray. We are looking forward to seeing what the users of POV-Ray can offer, and if we find a logo that captures our imagination we will be happy to adopt it as an official logo for POV-Ray.

  2. The POV-Team will closely watch and monitor the competition but will not participate in the management of it. This is the sole responsibility of the POV-Ray user community and its organizers.

  3. The POV-Team reserves the right to reject any "winning" entry they feel does not meet with their expectations. A second or third place entry is just as likely as a first place entry to be chosen by the POV-Team as their official logo, or none at all. This is at the sole discretion of the POV-Team and will be decided internally by them.

  4. The POV-Team will be granted the right to use the logo however they choose. This includes using the logo at the web site and for the purposes of advertising POV-Ray in any form of electronic or printed medium (such as CD covers). Artwork submitted to this competition shall remain the property of those submitting it but they shall also grant irrevocable equal rights to the POV-Team to said material.

  5. The following: "POV-Ray", "Persistence of Vision", "POV-Team" and "POV-Help" are trademarks of the POV-Team. Artists contributing to this competition are not granted any rights over our trademarks. It is desirable that submissions that utilize one of our trademarks bear a TM symbol but it is not a requirement. If a TM symbol is added it should be done so in a subtle and unobtrusive manner.

  6. The POV-Team reserves the right to modify or change any entry they choose as their logo (with permission of the original artist). Source code (where applicable) should be provided for each entry so that the POV-Team may recreate the logo at any resolution or aspect ratio they might need.

-- POV-Team

Logo Rules

The rules that the logos had to follow had been discussed in the POV-Ray newsgroups. Here they are.

General statements:

  • The purpose of the logo is to add recognition of POV-Ray to those who knows what POV-Ray is.

  • The logo must be presentable and easy recognizable even in just black and white (with no shades of gray, except for anti-aliasing). The logo can still be presented in a lot of different interesting formats, but they must also be presentable in just black and white.

  • The logo may be made in any program. It doesn't have to be made in POV-Ray. Note though that some people prefer logos made in POV-Ray.

  • A short .txt text file describing the logo may be submitted together with the logo. In the text file the author of the logo can express things like what the idea and meaning of the logo is, and why this particular logo should win.

The following formats are the formats in which the logo must be submitted:
  • Two black and white formats. These are required. The formats are in black and white with no shades of gray, except for anti-aliasing. The one formats is 32x32 pixels. The other is 120x120 pixels, or any other resolution with max 14400 pixels in total. These two formats should be identical, except for the size.

    These formats could be used for the POV-Ray icon, for webpages, for water-marks in people's images, and many other things.

  • Two color formats. These are only for logos that should have an official way of coloring them. Plain colors and gradients are allowed, but not "effects" such as shading or reflection etc. The one formats is 32x32 pixels. The other is 120x120 pixels, or any other resolution with max 14400 pixels in total. These formats should be identical, except for the size.

    These formats could be used for the POV-Ray icon, for webpages, and many other things.

  • Three custom formats. These are optional. All effects are allowed. Two of these three formats are 180x180 pixels, or any resolution with max 32400 pixels in total. One of them is 360x360 pixels, or any resolution with max 129600 pixels in total. These three custom formats should not be identical. They can be completely different from each other.

    These formats could be used for webpages, banners, splash-screens, wallpapers, and many other things.

How to submit a logo

The deadline of the POV-Ray Logo Contest was October 31 2000. Entrants were encouraged to follow all of the following steps, but only some of them were required:

Step 0: Have a look at the Logo Info page, and have a look at the already Submitted Logos to get an idea of what it's all about.

Step 1 (required): Design a logo that follows the rules.

Step 2: Post your logo to the newsgroup povray.binaries.images for people to see and comment on. Maybe people have some suggestions on how to improve it. If you have never posted to the POV-Ray newsgroups before, please read the messages in povray.announce.frequently-asked-questions first.

Step 3: Try to improve your logo as much as possible. After that you may go to step 2 again.

Step 4: (required) When your logo is completely finished, e-mail it to me in the correct formats. For the custom formats please use compression (.jpg images) so the filesizes aren't too big.